Microsoft Internship days 41 to 47

At the beginning of the internship my mentor and manager created a set of commitments. If I think standard process is for interns to write the commitments with assistance from their mentors and managers. In my case the suggested commitments were feasible and interesting so I did not ask for any changes. We did meet with the Windows Printing group to consider other projects but nothing came of that.

My commitments include two projects and various tasks related to Windows and Sustained Engineering. Then half way through the internship my manager and me do a mid point review where we evaluate my progress towards the commitments.

This Tuesday was my mid point review. As hoped it was uneventful, and I am progressing at full pace toward meeting my commitments. The fun portion of the review is knowing I am on track for a job offer. I skyped my parents that night and my mother had fun teasing me about life plans. Or guilt tripping.

Last week’s post lacked proper photos so one sunny day walking to work I got this:


Sun, in Seattle.

Update 2013-10: If you are still interested please consider reading through the overview of my internship.

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