Todo For This Week
- Add back the size finding code
- Release usb interface when we know a complete message has left the printer
- Fill out Google Summer of Code mid-term evaluation
Completed This Week
- Main loop and USB now again inspect packet size, tcp not yet
- USB interface is now acquired then released before and after every HTTP request and response
- GSoC mid-term evaluation completed and passed
Todo Next Week
- Get new printer working group website in shipable state
- Do not touch ippusbxd codebase
About a year ago I started work on the new printer working group website. The website is close to ship-able so next week’s work will be getting the new site in shape for approval to go live.
Then the week afterwards I can return to the ippusbxd without this burnout. For the past 3 weeks I’ve worked over the weekend to maintain a streak of acivity on my github profile. I thought I was being productive, an reaction to the time I didn’t do anything for two days. In hindsight skipping weekends may have burned me out a bit. After this short break I promise not to skip weekend breaks.