Todo This Week
- Fix the rest of the things
Completed This Week
- Printer’s embedded website now works 100%
- Submitting print jobs now works 100%
Todo Next Week
- Start integrating ippusbxd with usb-config-printer
- Nail down sub topics for presentation on Monday
- Create slides
- Practice presentation 3 times
- Send Ira slides
- Ask Ira if the projector uses HDMI
- Ask Eric for permission to relicense
Awesome success this wekk. Everything works and the driver itself is pretty rock-solid. Perfect to demo at the OpenPrinting Summit / Printer Working Group Face2Face / 3D Printing Birds-of-a-feather.
I’ve also decided to relicense under Apache 2.0. I still like strong copyleft but I might as well compromise on my principles since it might get ippusbxd into more platforms. Who knows? Maybe Microsoft will ship it in Windows.