Todo This Week
- Start integrating ippusbxd with usb-config-printer
- Nail down sub topics for presentation on Monday
- Create slides
- Practice presentation 3 times
- Send Ira slides
- Ask Ira if the projector uses HDMI
- Ask Eric for permission to relicense
Completed This Week
- Started integrating ippusbxd with usb-config-printer
- Nail down sub topics for presentation on Monday
- Created slides
- Slides sent to msweet and online
- Presentation practiced 3 times
- Send Ira slides
- Projector uses vga, but I can stream demo over webex
- Eric said okay to relicense
Todo Next Week
- Practice presentation 2 more times
- Attend OpenPrinting Summit in Toronto
- Present ippusbxd at summit
- Make udev-configure-printer startup ippusbxd on printer plugin
- Make udev-configure-printer create cups queue for printer
- Make udev-configure-printer edit any exisiting queue’s uri to match new port number on re-insertion
Till emailed me last week to mention that Ubuntu 14.10’s feature freeze is the 21st. I should have looked it up before hand so I’m thankful that he told me. I had it in my head that there would be an extra week or two I could work on udev-configure-printer after the OpenPrinting Summit. Instead I need to get that done the week of the Summit.
My plan is work over the weekend since one weekend of working should not be a burnout risk I think. Still I hope no one minds if I sit in the back of the room on my laptop during some of the presentations.